Like the title says, I'm trying to finish what I started. Shadow Rose has five chapters at the beginning of the book and at least six at the the end. The problem is, there's no middle. I get bits and pieces every once in awhile for the middle, but nothing ever gets completely written there. It's frustrating to say he least because it's my first book. I started writing back in November of 2009 and have over 30,000 words but I can't seem to get them to flow together since I wrote the book backwards.
To add to this, The Night Guardians have continued to jump bits and pieces into my mind but, I seem to write more for the second and third books, rather than the first and it's driving me nuts. I'm excited that I'm writing, I just wish I could have complete thoughts for one story.
I have a serious case of writer's block, how do I get out of the hole I buried myself in? I should probably start deadlines and force myself to write... I hope that works, but what do you think?